Welcome to SRM GPA CGPA Calculator

Track your academic progress effortlessly.

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Why Use Our Calculators?

Accurate & Reliable

We use the official grading criteria of SRM IST to ensure accurate GPA & CGPA results.

Easy to Use

With an intuitive design, you can calculate your GPA & CGPA in a few easy steps without even knowing the credit details.

Plan Ahead

Get insights into your academic progress and set goals for your future semesters.

What Students Are Saying?

"This tool has been a game-changer for me. It's so easy to track my progress!"

- Sivabalan, 3rd Year AI-ML

"I love how simple it is. It has helped me set my academic goals."

- Guru V, 3rd Year ECE

© Designed by Sai Narayana & Hariesh